Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I thought I'd write about something Ceres does besides play video games. It's called Aikido, a Japanese martial art that focuses on redirecting the force of an attack to defend oneself while avoiding injury to yourself and the attacker. I think Ceres actually enjoys this hour away from his games (I'm as shocked as you). I keep wondering when the spell will break. But for now, I am enjoying these two hour (including drive time), twice a week, sitting through class, not doing housework, being a good mom, excursions to East Mesa.

Ceres' instructor, Darrell D'Antonli, explaining a technique...

...and performing it

Students learn to practice techniques with all kinds of partners, big and small. Here, the tallest and shortest students in class are grappling. Too funny.
For more information on Aikido, visit here.


jayne said...

That is pretty cool. I have never heard of it before. But looks and sounds really interesting.

SuperCoolMom said...

So glad that Ceres has something fun that he's into! He is such a quiet, polite guy!