Friday, October 3, 2008

Who Nose?

I was driving home from work today and I passed a kid, probably no older than a kindergartner, walking home from school. I had noticed him from down the street because he was flinging his arm around, mouthing words to himself. As I passed him, our eyes met. Without losing that eye contact he thrust his finger up his nose and then flung a booger at me. Good thing I hadn't washed my car! My first reaction was indignation - how dare he?! - and then I started laughing. Such a bad attitude for a 5-year-old! He's a fun one, that one. His teacher must loooooove him.

I was thinking maybe he needs a lesson in being more discreet. If you would like to learn some of the finer techniques of nose picking, go here. Cheers!


KaraLyn said...

Now that is funny!!!

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh Kristen!! Have fun washing your car. =0)

SuperCoolMom said...

That is great! (As long as it wasn't my kid.) LOL!

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Kids, and where do they learn this behaviour... yep we all know dont we.