Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Right Thing to Say

The other day we all arrived home at the same time. I had picked Ceres up from school and Dave was finished working for the day. I noticed my husband looked tired and grumpy. Nevertheless, I was happy to see him. As he stumbled toward the front door, I addressed him.

Me: "I honey, you're home!"

Mr. Grumpy Pants: "Grumble, grumble."

Me: "I see that you come home to your family with and smile on your face and a spring in your step."

MGP: "Grumble, grumble."

At this point Ceres, my dear teenager, has lugged his cello out of the back of the car and chimes in.

Ceres: ". . . and a fart in your butt."

MGP: (smiles)

My dear husband's sour mood is lifted.

And I can't stop laughing.

The dreaded teenager years are turning out to be quite entertaining.


Jordyn Perkins said...

Hahaha! THat is great. Nothin' like that father-son connection eh? Bet it would have taken you a while to come up with that uplifting line? HAha! And lunch, when are you free!? I would like to treat you at mi casa. :)

Anna said...

Haha! Ceres totally earned some cool points with that comment....hahaha. I'll have to remember that one.

Janel said...

ahhhhh, boys and their funny bathroom humor. And we still think its funny too :D

I think I mentioned this before, but...your knitting is A-MAZING!