Saturday, May 30, 2009

Washington DC

I need to write something here. But where to start?

Ceres' Close Up D.C. trip? It might be nice to preserve that memory ... from my perspective. Which is, that those 6 days in Washington were all a blur to me, and probably Ceres too. Ceres was whisked from one tourist sight to the next, given only an hour or two at each place. The things I remember most about his trip were that the Obama's were always gettin' in the way of Ceres' fun. As in, the kids were shoo-ed away from the White House gate because the Obama's were coming out to walk their dog; and they couldn't sit in on a session of Congress because the First Lady was attending and security had been ramped up (in other words, threat alert, no school children and their cameras allowed). Other than that, Ceres got to see memorials and museums, a bell, and maybe a library - but only a taste of these places. I wonder what place he gives this opportunity in his heart and memory. It's more than I've ever experienced and I'm grateful that this is his moment to keep.

I sure missed the kid though. I closed his bedroom door while he was away so that his mess wouldn't make me miss him more. We anxiously awaited his call every night, despite Ceres being a creature of few words and we having to reach into the furthest corners of our curiosity to ask enough questions to keep him on the phone and the conversation going. I sensed, though, that Ceres didn't want the calls to end - even when there was silence between the lines. I would ask if he wanted to go and he would say no, it's ok. It made me feel good to now that he missed us too and pined for home.

And the kid amazed me with his picture taking skills. Seriously. These are the first pictures he's ever taken. I gave him my old Samsung A400, and after a brief tutorial on how to use it Ceres was cranking out these. (I'd caption these, but Ceres isn't home. Maybe, when he has a moment to spare in his super busy summer vacation schedule, he can tell me where these photos were taken.)


p.s. Ceres forgot to take his belt, so he bought one in the hotel gift shop. It's a money belt (fitting). I'd take a picture of it, but I can't find it. Ceres is probably wearing it right now wherever he is in his super busy summer vacation schedule.