Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Feeling Nostalgic

I sneaked a picture of Erik in a James Dean-esque moment the other morning.

And it reminded me of this photo of mom and dad with their new car. (I love to see dad's handwriting here.)

This picture was taken 15 or so years before I was born. Another era for sure. But I love to look at old photos of my parents, to see them in their youth and imagine their daily lives of young children, neighborhood friends and dreams for the future. Did it all turn out as they expected? Well, let's see: seven children, all grown now with their own families, a beautiful home to raise them in and plenty of fun memories. I sure hope so.

I came along later in the family and missed some of the action, but I've had a good life so far. And I owe it to these two kids.

Thanks dad and mom.


SuperCoolMom said...

That is a great picture of your parents! I can sure see more of your Mom in you now. Love it!

Colleen Coleman said...

I love this post. Thanks for reminding me that it is all worth it!